The best is yet to be
Welcome to my story
I’ll be sharing how flirting with death woke up a desire to chase the best version of me
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Trauma Intensive Care Unit to Olympic-distance Triathlon in 11 months
Some data of my days between the accident and race day (334 days): 6 surgeries 20 days in the hospital 202 hours of workouts 1,418 miles covered 150 hours of[…]
Read moreStuff that helped me through the dark times
Our Social media culture does a good job of highlighting the good times and filtering or hiding the low ones. I’ve tried to keep it as honest as possible in[…]
Read moreThe next gear
This post was written by Christopher Staley (Thanks!) It was 1.30AM on Thursday, November 2nd 2017, when the social services attendant finally cracked open the door to the freezing cold[…]
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Words of encouragement or critics are both welcome!