
Lessons and stories from my way back

Trauma Intensive Care Unit to Olympic-distance Triathlon in 11 months

Some data of my days between the accident and race day (334 days): 6 surgeries 20 days in the hospital 202 hours of workouts 1,418 miles covered 150 hours of one-on-one therapy The math comes out to having dedicated on average over an hour per day specifically healing and getting stronger. “Not everything that can…
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Stuff that helped me through the dark times

Our Social media culture does a good job of highlighting the good times and filtering or hiding the low ones. I’ve tried to keep it as honest as possible in this blog but also delved more into the happier and best moments of the recovery rather than the really bad ones as a way to…
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The next gear

This post was written by Christopher Staley (Thanks!) It was 1.30AM on Thursday, November 2nd 2017, when the social services attendant finally cracked open the door to the freezing cold waiting room at Jackson’s Trauma Intensive care unit emergency wing, where we anxiously awaited any kind of news. Her words were “you can see him…
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Hospital life

One thing about staying overnight at a hospital is that it is extremely hard to get good quality sleep. You are in pain and feel discomfort; yes, the drugs help but you are not in a comfortable bed. As days go by, you lose track of time and your biological clock goes nuts. If you…
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What it’s like to wear a neck brace for over 6 months

Tim Don, a professional triathlete, who suffered a very similar cervical injury recently put it like this: “It’s like flying economy for three months straight” and I couldn’t agree more, but as with anything in life it has its positives too. I never really had a choice or any warning regarding the neck brace. I…
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A Marathon one step at a time

At one point in the hospital, when I was getting ready to leave the TICU (Trauma Intensive Care Unit) to go to the more “relaxed” burn unit, my coach Boris came up with the idea that I had to get better quickly and train to walk the Miami Half-Marathon. The catch? It was coming up…
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Why I will never ride again

This is how it went down for my loved ones: My compadre Andy gets a call from an unknown number and it turns out it’s a social worker from the hospital where I was taken (Jackson Memorial Ryder Trauma Center). At the time, I was pursuing my MBA at the University of Miami (UM). The…
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Just keep moving

“We fight till the end, we never give up, we try to gain inches in every play” – said by me under heavy medication, probably came straight out of my subconscious. I guess I must have been trying to channel a combination of Al Pacino in Any Given Sunday and Sylvester Stalone in Rocky Balboa. That…
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